Campus sexual assault: suggested policies and procedures from the AAUP

Campus Sexual Assault: Suggested Policies and Procedures is a report from the American Association of University Professors outlines: the problem and consequences of campus sexual assault, the laws related to protect students from gender violence, how to develop strong policies and procedures, and the responsibility of faculty members in addressing the issue.  Read about the approaches in ending campus sexual violence and how faculty members can support.

Guide for discussing healthy sexuality

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For Sexual Assault Awareness Month in 2012, the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center) provided a guide and practical tools for advocates, counselors, and prevention educators to discuss healthy sexuality. Click here to work with your community and implement programs on healthy sexuality as a form of sexual violence prevention.

Sexual Violence Prevention for Greek Organizations

The Greek Sexual Assault Prevention Initiative is a collaboration between the Office of Health Promotion’s Respect program, the Office of Sorority and Fraternity Life, and the four Greek Councils (IFC, ISC, NPHC, and MGC) to end sexual violence on Eagle Row.

This initiative based in Emory University contains three objectives and explains why it targets Greek Life communities.

Click below to learn more about Emory’s initiative and how Greek organizations can help end rape.

Media Backlash

This week there were a number of articles and stories in the mainstream news questioning statistics about rape, pointing out the disproportionate impact on women usually generated by NISVS and the White House report. Two of these articles are listed below:

Guilty Until Proven Innocent: The Skewed White House Crusade on Sexual Assault’ by Cathy Young through TIME;

Ashley Maier, in response to this media backlash in an email to the PreventConnect listserv, wrote:

I’m thinking about this in a number of ways:

  • Support – I’m reminded of what we’re up against and thankful for the support and community we provide each other in what can be the lonely world of sexual violence prevention.
  • Moving forward – I wonder how we can best move forward in this context, in this culture that questions whether sexual violence is really even a problem.  
  • Looking back – I look back at the advocates who have worked to highlight violence against women, to provide remedies, and to prevent it, for years and years and years. I try to remember that we have made progress and trust that we will make more. 

Prevention is possible. 

Assessing Campus Readiness for Prevention: Supporting Campuses in Creating Safe and Respectful Communities

This publication by the Pennsylvania Coalition Against Rape (PCAR) presents a new approach for assessing campus readiness for sexual violence preventions and advocacy. Written primarily by Sharon M. Wasco, PhD. with help from Liz Zadnick through PCAR, this publication discusses a new approach helping “sexual assault preventionists leverage their expertise to support college communities’ sexual violence prevention work”.

Click below to read the publication.

Preventing Sexual Violence on Campus: Issue of Partners in Social Change

This edition of the Washington Coalition of Sexual Assault Programs’ newsletter Partners in Social Change focuses on campus prevention and highlights the efforts of the health and wellness centers of both Washington State University and Western Washington University. A topic also featured in the newsletter is the role of technology, such as the Hollaback! Against Campus Harassment campaign and the iPhone app Circleof6, plays in college campus prevention efforts. This resource includes articles by Kat Monusky (Thinking about Campus Prevention), Jaclyn Friedman (Combating the Campus Rape Crisis).

Click below to read the newsletter.

The Evaluation of Campus-Based Gender Violence Prevention Programming: What We Know about Program Effectiveness and Implication for Practitioners

From VAWnet, the National Online Resource Center on Violence Against Women comes a publication entitled The Evaluation of Campus-Based Gender Violence Prevention Programming: What We Know about Program Effectiveness and Implication for Practitioners by Roberta E. Gibbons. It covers the effectiveness of various programs for reducing sexual and domestic violence on campus such as risk reduction/self-defense programs, empathy building programs, rape awareness/attitude change programs and bystander programs.

Findings include:

  • Programs have been effective in increasing knowledge and decreasing rape supportive attitudes, especially in the short term.
  • Length of exposure to interventions matters. Longer and more frequent exposures to interventions result in greater outcomes.
  • Bystander programs have demonstrated link between change in attitudes an change in behavior.

 Click below to read through!

Podcast: What’s Happening on our Campuses and How Can We Change It?

Ashley Maier of Prevent Connect and Alexis Marbach of the Rhode Island Coalition Against Domestic Violence are back with a new prevention session! This time, they discuss sexual assault and domestic violence on college campuses. Colleges and universities have certainly made the news lately regarding sexual and domestic violence taking place at their institutions and student activists are speaking out.  So what does this mean for prevention?

Listen to the podcast by clicking on vie resource below.

Podcast-Engaging Men on College Campuses: A Conversation

This podcast features Jonathan Gates of the Oregon Sexual Assault Task Force‘s Oregon Men Against Violence initiative. Jonathan provides insights into engaging men on college campuses, particularly in light of the recent rise in news coverage and student activism around rape culture on the nation’s campuses. Jonathan draws from his time coordinating a men against violence group at an Oregon university.

Listen to their discussion by clicking on view resource below.