Sample IACLEA Model Mutual Aid Agreements

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This document supplements IACLEA’s report on Strengthening Communities: Between Campus Public Safety and Federal, State, & Local Emergency Responders. It’s a sample of a mutual aid agreement between the city police department and ABC College Department of the State of Florida.

This a sample of a mutual aid agreement. In no way does it mean it is an accurate description of what a mutual aid agreement is organized but it can guide other people with organizing their own mutual aid agreements between community agencies and public institutio樂威壯

Click here to see the sample mutual aid agreement.

Strengthening Communications Between Campus Public Safety and Federal, State, & Local Emergency Responders

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This report developed by the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement (IACLEA) hosts information on how the Campus Public can enhance their efforts to accomplish effective communication any time a critical campus emergency response effort arises. Five areas have been identified as basic subjects enhanceable through their information: 1 Basic Communications Concepts; 2 Communications and Emergency Management; 3 Mutual Aid – A Key Concept for Critical Incident Planning and Response; 4 Develop Communication Skills and Networks; 5 Use Campus Preparedness Assessment Tools.

Click here to read their suggestions and advice.

Model Campus Stalking Policy

The Stalking Resource Center, a program 威而鋼
of the National Center for Victims of Crime, partnered with the California Coalition Against Sexual Assault (CALCASA) to publish this model campus policy on stalking. Numerous colleges and universities across the country contact the Stalking Resource Center each year, requesting assistance on how to address stalking on campuses. Along with requests for technical assistance, schools have asked for examples of stalking policies they could adapt and implement on their campuses. This document is a direct response to those inquiries.  

Stalking Response Tips for Law Enforcement

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The Stalking Resource Center put out a resource entitled, “Stalking Response Tips” specified to interested groups who encounter cases of stalking. Each document begins with an introduction on the pervasiveness of stalking and how it affects certain groups of the population. Then it continues in detail what these specific areas can do to improve their understanding and prevention efforts against stalking.

Tips for Law Enforcement

Tips for Prosecutors

Tips for Advocates必利勁

Tips for Victims

Title IX Conflicts: The Role of Law Enforcement

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In Volume 7, Issue 3 of the SAFVIC On the Scene Newsletter Gary J. Margolis & Steven J. Healy write about the role of law enforcement and Title IX. In this article, Margolis and Healy clarify what the responsibilities of campus and/or local law enforcement in helping schools comply with federal law. They further elaborate the role of law enforcement in compliance with Title IX.

Click here
to read the article.

IACP Response to Victims of Crime and Model Policies

The documents below are designed to accompany the Model Policy on Response to Victims of Crime established by the IACP National Law Enforcement Policy Center. They provide essential background material and supporting documentation on the developmental philosophy and implementation requirements of the model policy.

This material will be of value to law enforcement executives in their efforts to tailor the model to the requirements and circumstances of their communities and their law enforcement agencies.

IACP Sexual Assault Supplemental Report Form

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In conjunction to the IACP Sexual Assault Reports, the Sexual Assault Supplemental Report Form is a sample report form recommended to guide reporting, recording, and investigation of all alleged sexual assault incidents. The information required to fill the form may  change depending on each campus neighborhood, community district, and city.

Click here to see the document.

Sexual Assault Incident Reports

The following guidelines and interview strategies are based upon national best practices regarding sexual assault incident investigations and were developed in collaboration with local, state, and federal law enforcement, prosecutors, advocates, medical, and forensic professionals. The goal of these guidelines is to support officers and departments in preparing sexual assault cases for successful prosecution through detailed case documentation and thorough investigations.

To read the IACP Sexual Assault Incident Report click here.

How to Effectively Include Students in Development and Revision of Sexual Assault Policy

This webinar presented by CALCASA in collaboration with SAFER Campus and OVW Campus Grantees to discuss the importance of students working together with their universities on sexual assault, dating violence and stalking policy. Recently in the media we have seen numerous news stories of college students vocalizing discontent with their universities about policy and response to sexual assault on campus.  By being proactive with student involvement in policy, universities can create a more collaborative relationship with students to ensure their needs are being met on campus.

Presenting on the webinar today was Zoe Ginsburg and Megan McKendry from SAFER Campus.  The webinar was entitled, “How to effectively include students in development and revision of Sexual Assault policy.”  They covered topics such as why students are key participants in policy reform and key findings in what students look for in a campus sexual assault policy.

To view the webinar slides click here and to listen to the recording click here.  To get ideas from other schools’ policies, visit the Campus Accountability Project or check out the Activist Resource Center, for free articles about how students organize.

How does your campus engage students in policy development and revision on campus?

Planning for National Stalking Awareness Month on Your Campus

Stalking: Know It.  Name It.This webinar presented by Laura Kikuchi and Hema Khan from the National Stalking Resource Center presented today for the Campus Webinar Series. Thanksgiving is a week away and schools will be on break soon for winter vacation. Has your school planned for January’s Stalking Awareness Month? Their presentation entitled, “Planning for National Stalking Awareness Month on Your Campus,” covered information about stalking on campus, response procedures, campus policy, and Stalking Awareness Month campaigns that colleges and universities have implemented.

Watch the webinar by clicking on view resource and don’t forget to download the presentation!