Is your campus prepared for SAAM 2015?

NSVRC has launched the SAAM 2015 campaign.  The SAAM 2015 campaign provides resources on campus sexual violence prevention. Help us create communities that prevent violence and build campuses that respond well.  Everyone can play a role in creating safer campuses. Take action to prevent sexual violence.

This is a toolkit for advocates, campus personnel, students and allies. These materials can be used to engage the entire community  to take action to end sexual assault.


NSVRC Campus Sexual Violence Resource

In 2010 for Sexual Assault Awareness Month the NSVRC (National Sexual Violence Resource Center) put together a Campus Sexual Violence Resource List of resources to facilitate group collaboration and development of programs. Topics listed include primary prevention, policy information, statistics, training tools and resources, and public education materials.

Engaging Campuses and Communities for SAAM

Today CALCASA hosted a web conference, “Engaging Campuses and Communities for Sexual Assault Awareness Month.” This web conference was part of the Campus Web Conference Series and had presentations from The University of Oregon and The New School who produced campaigns to saturate their campuses with messages about consent. Joining us to talk about the University of Oregon’s campaign was Abigail Leeder, Director, Sexual Violence Prevention & Education at the University of Oregon. From The New School the members of the sexual assault awareness and response team spoke about their development of the “Yes Means Yes” campaign:

  • Rhiannon Auriemma, undergraduate student, Feminist Collective founder, Health Promotion Specialist – Wellness and Health Promotion
  • Tracy Robin, Assistant Vice President, Student Health and Support Service
  • Maureen Sheridan, Director, Student Support and Crisis Management
  • Hannah Stravers, graduate student, Head Resident – Stuyvesant Park Residence Hall, Graduate Assistant – Student Support Office

Topics covered were how their campaigns were developed, barriers they faced, and how they worked with their campus community to spread awareness. In addition, the web conference highlighted how campuses can collaborate with local rape crisis centers to engage the broader community for Sexual Assault Awareness Month. Jessica Renee Napier, CALCASA’s Media & Communication Specialist, shared the collaborative events being done around the country between campuses and their rape crisis centers. To download the PowerPoint from the web conference click here. To view the recording from the web conference click here.