Addressing Confidentiality: Getting to Know Concrete Details on Confidentiality

With the Victim Rights Law Center and the Confidentiality Institute, this webinar discusses details on who exercises confidentiality, the fundamentals of confidentiality, and what sets it apart from privilege. Also discussed is how VAWA enforces confidentiality and what the elements are of “informed consent”.

Click on the link below to watch the webinar:
Confidentiality Webinar

Also listed below is information regarding updated confidentiality laws through VAWA and templates for information release forms:

VAWA 2013 Confidentiality

NNEDV Template for Information Release 

University of Minnesota’s Administrative Procedure in Responding to Stalking, Sexual and Dating Violence

The University of Minnesota provides procedures to follow when members of their community (administrators, students, faculty, and staff) notice signs of sexual violence on their campus.

Read the University of Minnesota administrative procedure lays out specific details on how each department of their community is to respond to an incident of sexual assault. The university provides information on responding to survivors, the result of reporting to certain offices, and resources to provide survivors.

NNEDV Technology Safety

The National Network to End Domestic Violence– Technology Safety Page contains resources on how technology can help victims and agencies effectively against domestic, dating, and other types of sexual violence. Some of the resources include “Cell Phone & Location Safety Strategies” for Victims, “Confidential Shelter Locations & the Internet” for Agencies & Programs working with Survivors concerning Confidentiality & Privacy, “Protection Order Registries & Databases” on Databases & Data Retention for Agencies & Programs working with Survivors and other resources.

To see their technology safety page and view their materials click below!