February 2014 Institute Summary on the Campus Technical Assistance and Resource Project Newsletter

A newsletter created for the Feb 2014 Institute Summary outlines information about the Technical Assistance Tracks as well as provide contact information for the Technical Assistance Team. Click the link below in order to view the first April 2014 issue of the Campus Extra for more information on the February 2014 Campus Institute in New Orleans.

January 2014 issue of the Campus Technical Assistance and Resource Project Newsletter


newsletter created by the Campus Technical Assistance and Resource Project 

The new Campus Technical Assistance and Resource Project Newsletter is designed to keep you up-to- date on the latest and developments and opportunities for campuses in their efforts to address sexual assault, dating/domestic violence, and stalking. The newsletter will provide information on important events, successful programs and much more. Though some of the information will be most specifically applicable to campuses who have received grants under the Department of Justice, Office of Violence Against Women Campus Grants Program, this resource is intended for all colleges and universities.